
Everyday in Provence, somewhere in a village or small town, or large city, for that matter, is a marché. Each one is similar and each one is uniquely different. You can find almost everything you need at the marché from apples, to lettuce, local melons (proudly displaying their origin), herbs de provence, fresh goat cheese to local honey, wine, pottery, french market baskets, dresses, aprons, olive oil, shirts, shoes, linens,  meats, fresh caught fish and shellfish, truffles, lavender and more. They are a gathering place - a place to shop, mingle with the vendors, run into friends and neighbors.  The marché comes once, sometimes twice, a week to a village and set up early morning and are down by 1:00, just in time to run to the boulangerie for a trés chaud baguette for lunch! Enjoy these photos of one local marché:


Cynthia Edelman said…
Pam - What beautiful colorful photos that make readers yearn for a trip to Provence!

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