40th Annual Harvard Flea Market POSTPONED

is this Saturday, October 15th
Sunday, October 16th
in front of Old Bromfield

and we'll be there!

We'll have a booth this year at the 40th Annual Flea Market, Harvard, Massachusetts which is always great fun for the whole family! We'll have a small selection of our in-stock products on sale at the booth.

Harvard’s first Flea Market was sponsored by the League of Women Voters in 1972. Since then it has been an annual community event, held on the grounds of the Bromfield School on Route 111. In the 1980’s the Harvard Conservation Trust became a co-sponsor. In 2008 the Harvard Schools Trust became a third sponsor and replaced the Conservation Trust in 2009.

Each year thousands of bargain-hunters browse through more than 170 booths of antiques, collectibles, and household treasures. Local non-profit organizations sell a variety of foods and drinks.

 It is suppose to be a beautiful day so come out and visit lovely Harvard, Mass, pick some apples at a local orchard and stop by our booth #86 to say bonjour! We would love to see you!

For directions click here.


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